"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle,
and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared." The Buddha

Friday, February 20, 2009


I turned 25 this week.

I love birthdays because it's a chance to look back on all that has happened and to look forward on all that will/could/should happen and let me tell you, A LOT has happened. Not just in my 24th year of life, but throughout my entire life. A lot happens to everyone throughout their lives, so I'm not saying I'm that special or anything, but I'm really happy with all that has happened.

Just last year I had a baby and changed my name, in that order too. I made new friends, I found old friends, I got to know all my friends a little bit better and I'm so thankful for all of them. I got to know myself better too. For example, I found out that I'm pretty good at managing people and that whether or not I want to admit that I'm good at the restaurant thing, I am good at it and I'm okay with that (finally). I also found I could give birth without drugs. who knew? I can exist from day to day without more than 3 hours of consecutive sleep at night, going on 8 months. I found that I can cook, I can laugh and I can forgive (Anyone who has ever hurt me has been forgiven, except one person and I'm still working through that. His time will come, if he's lucky) I found that I know what I want to be and I've been too lazy getting there.

I know that my 25th year is going to be hard. Harder than the previous years I suspect. We're moving in with in-laws (again) for a short period (hopefully). We're changing jobs, gaining perspective, watching our son grow, growing with each other. We'll have less bills perhaps, but a greater responsibility. So, for this year, my 25th, I would like to see these things happen:
lots of love, laughter, friendship, a house and car purchase, job switching, money saving, biking, running, gardening, cooking, swimming, reading, schooling and enjoying every single day for whatever it gives me.

So, here's to turning a quarter-century old!